Does Bran Get to Walk Again

LOS ANGELES – Welcome dorsum, Bran Stark. Where have yous been?
The Stark youth (Isaac Hempstead Wright), absent for a full flavour of HBO's Game of Thrones, returns Sunday (9 p.m. ET/PT) after a year of honing his supernatural skills.
The almost dramatic visual modify is that Wright, 17, has grown upwards since Bran's terminal appearance nearly ii years agone at the stop of Flavor 4.
"What'south prissy about Bran missing the season was that it'southward a (substantial) modify rather than merely a gradual, 'Oh, he'southward an older kid at present.' He'southward an adult now and he's got all these adult responsibilities," the English teen tells USA TODAY.
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Thrones left Bran, who has been unable to walk since Jaime Lannister pushed him off a window ledge in the series premiere, as he completed a long, perilous trek past meeting the mystical Three-Eyed Raven, who can railroad train him, in a tree cave.
In the Season 4 finale, the Raven told Bran that he would not walk once more, merely that he would wing. (In Flavour 6 photos, Bran, who has often been carried by the faithful behemothic Hodor – played by Kristian Nairn – is seen continuing, an occurrence that has yet to be explained simply could be part of one of his visions.)
"This destiny had been calling Bran the whole way through and he hadn't actually known what it was," Wright says. "He had glimpses of his power, but nothing particularly deep and nothing that exposed the audience to what these powers might exist able to do."

Bran, the brother of Robb, Sansa, Arya and Rickon Stark and half-brother of Jon Snow, has substantial powers. He can warg, or run across through the eyes of animals, and he has greensight, which allows him to harness the power of ancient Weirwood copse to gain visions of the past, present and possibly hereafter. Those gifts let him see "as if he'southward watching the testify" and he tin learn what's happening in many places, the histrion says.
"Season 5 would accept been quite slow if Bran had been in it, because information technology would have been just him preparation," says Wright, who focused on school during the time away but missed his colleagues on gear up. "When he showtime arrived at the cave, he was a existent novice, so information technology's a lot more exciting to meet him come up back in Season 6 as a very changed character."
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Images from 'Game of Thrones' Flavor 6
Bran, new to controlling his abilities, needs the tutelage of the Raven (Max von Sydow).
"Bran is very much still a teenager. At that place'south an enormous corporeality of hubris with his power," Wright says. "He needs the Raven to guide him and go, 'You lot've got to stay on the right rail and principal this power and then you've got to use it.' "
As Bran learns from the sage Raven, Wright had a similar experience working with the renowned von Sydow (The Seventh Seal, The Exorcist, Hannah and Her Sisters).

"Information technology was a real award and a memorable experience to spend time with him on set. He conducts himself with such professionalism," Wright says, recalling how the older histrion, now in his 80s, didn't mind being positioned in the restrictive tree setting.
He marvels at von Sydow's command. "There are certain lines that aren't of enormous magnitude in the thou scheme of Westeros, but Max will say one and it will of a sudden plough into the near important line you've thought you heard in Game of Thrones."
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For the 7 Kingdoms' sake, Bran had better be paying good attention to the Raven, because his skills will be sorely needed in a world where war is commonplace and a probable larger threat, White Walkers and an regular army of zombie wights, looms in the Northward.
"Now, we accept Bran correct in the middle of what he'll exist able to do for Westeros," Wright says. "We'll see him make some interesting decisions about what that might entail."

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